Man in textured windowpane suit and bowtie poses with arms crossed

The Professor

Warm tones and warmer textures, you could be leading the hunt as easily as you lead in the boardroom. Your style is sophisticated, mature and approachable. Trends are obsolete when you know what tones, patterns and cuts suit you best. Your collection of suits and tweedy blazers show you have a mastery of your wardrobe. When you're not studying world history, art movements or overlooked inventors, you're studying style, and in shows every time you dress.

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Bearded man in glasses poses in houndstooth jacket and gingham tie

Man wears double breasted waistcoat and plaid jacket with jeans

Hallmarks of Your Style

  • Traditional patterns, prints and colours
  • Classic styles with a nod to vintage through accessories and fabrics
  • Expert in layering patterns
  • Strong British influence
  • An appreciation of fine craftsmanship
  • Chunky wools and textures are your signature
  • Houndstooth and Herringbone trump a plain jacket
  • Plaids and stripes are key in all of your looks
  • Personal style trumps trends
  • You understand the value of waistcoats and sweaters in layering
  • Grooming is an integral part of your personal style
  • Quirky touches like bowties and uniquely patterned pocket squares are your go-to
  • You've grown up "geek chic" to "sophisticated style"

Pensive man leans on chair in windowpane charcoal suit

Man leans on bike wearing vintage style plaid jacket, silk bow tie and waistcoat